Dear Friends/brothers and sisters-in-the Lord,
This is the biggest tragedy since the Pol Pot regime. We met with heavy hearts, three hundred and forty seven (221 female ) died and three hundred more were injured last November 22, 2010 night in a stampede on Diamond Island's north bridge, bringing a tragic close to final day of water Festival celebration in Phnom Penh. This tragic, untimely and unexpected loss of many lives will remain a bitter and painful memory for Cambodia. This is an incident that no one wanted to happen.
In response, the government of Cambodia, under the leadership of Prime Minister Hun Sen, has been very generous with assistance to the affected families. The dead were have been given free coffins and free transportation by army vehicles to their respective home, the injured receiving free medical care, and every bereaved family is expected to be a gift of compassion.
My executive committee, my staff and I are initiating a survey with our member in 117 churches that we currently work in to see if there is anything we can do to help any affects families. We want to be good neighbors to them in this time of need. On November 26, 2010 KCC has raised some funds from few our churches members to contribute to people who are injured in Kosomak Hospital.
We are all to be reminded of our own frailty as we see and witness the bodies of people who were once alive and vibrant and now still and unmoving- the breath of life snuffed from them.
May God allow His people to be compassionate and sharing to reach out to those who suddenly mourn the loss of loved ones!
標籤: Our Concerns
15th October, 2010, Bogor, Indonesia
The theme of the forum was “Breaking Silence: Young Women’s Unspoken Experiences in Asian Churches and Society”. The total number of participants was 21 with 18 young women from 12 countries (Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, and East Timor) and 3 “young in mind” senior sisters. The participants had a wonderful day together sharing love, learning a lot through the sessions and having very fruitful discussions after hearing from all the countries present.
The programme included Morning Worship, Bible Study by Ms. Gloria (Bangladesh), Study “Re-reading of the Bible through Women’s Eyes” by Ms. Shanthi Mathai (India), “Reflections on the Value and Blessings of Meeting Ecumenically” by Ms. Cora Tabing Reyes (Exe. Secretary, ICFLC),“Knowing ACWC and YWF” by Ms. Shu-Wen Chiang, (Exe. Secretary, ACWC), sharing from all the countries focusing on the social realities and role of young women in Church and Society which was followed by group discussion Then the delegates came together and worked out the action plan and recommendations to the ACWC Assembly.
The main issues/concerns/problems raised were
1. Young Women are often neglected in Church and society in such a way that they are often
seen and expected as silent listeners during decision making.
2. Young women who are trained and equipped theologically are not recognized by Churches in
many countries.
3. Women are not given prominent role in political scene
4. Inferior status of women in Church and society
5. Human trafficking, prostitution etc.
6. Violence against Women
8. Abortion, Baby dumping etc.
9. Abuse of teenagers and young women in Churches 10. Patriarchal structure of society
10. Patriarchal structure of society
11. Lack of opportunity for young women to bring inputs and voices at all levels
12. Multiple tasks and responsibilities expected from women
Action Plan
How can we turn these concerns into empowerment and action? There are many barriers as the young women have many constraints like studies, work, young family, small children etc. In the midst of all these, the participants of the Young Women’s Forum prepared the following action plan.
1. Work as ambassadors of ACWC and YWF in their local area and Church
2. Keep up consistent connection through social network, form e-group, conduct ecumenical
gatherings wherever possible and start news letter where young women can share their
3. Support each other in life realities.
4. Prepare a list of medical professionals like doctors and nurses, and collect details about the
facilities like medicines available in each country so that during emergencies like natural
calamities, quick assistance can be sought.
5. Set apart a portion of personal tithe for ACWC
6. Organise fundraising for ACWC’s educational programmes
7. Network for scholarships.
Recommendations to ACWC and FLC
We recommend to ACWC and ICFLC
1. to focus on young women’s empowerment and activities in Asian countries, especially
through regional programmes
2. To organise Young Women’s Forum as a regular programme of ACWC before every
Quadrennial assembly.
3. Engage students who avail scholarships from ACWC and FLC in ACWC and FLC activities.
4. Support inter-faith dialogues in different countries as in many of the countries in Asia,
Christians are a minority.
5. Programme prayer partners for young women.
The participants of the YWF thank ACWC and FLC for organizing this Forum and thank God for the opportunity given to them. We hope and pray that ACWC would continue strengthening young women through Young Women’s Forum in future also.
Shanthi Mathai (India)
Convener, ACWC-YWF- 2010
List of Participants, ACWC-YWF-2010
1. Shanthi Mathai, India - shanthipjv@yahoo.com
2. Pdt. Yul. Lagandesa, Indonesia - yullagandesa@yahoo.com
3. Olvie Supit, Indonesia – olviesupit@yahoo.com
4. Olha Losv, Indonesia - olha_losv@yahoo.com
5. Rachel Pradhan, India- rachelpradhan98@gmail.com
6. Jyoti Shrestha, Nepal –jyotishrestha1975@gmail.com
7. Naw Say Kio, Myanmar – say.deborah@gmail.com
8. Christa Damongilala – kristadee@yahoo.com
9. Glennie Ann, Malaysia – glennie_gurl@hotmail.com
10. Elen Ira Maia, East Timor – maia.ellen@yahoo.com
11. Lin, Chen-Chu, Taiwan – pure3838@yahoo.com.tw
12. Leorie Petil- Marquez, Philippines – leoriemarquez@yahoo.com
13. Munkhtuul, Mongolia - mtuul.sod@gmail.com
14. Boggie, Mongolia – bkhalzan@yahoo.com
15. TeRito Peyroux, NZ – tauiwiyouth@methodist.org.nz
16. Indra Porniah, Sri Lanka – indravictor@gmail.com
17. Suchitra Behera, Bangladesh – crystalbangla@yahoo.co.in
18. Gloria Kalpona, Bangladesh – kalponasarker@gmail.com
標籤: 14 Assembly
13. Aoteraoa-
22. Singapore: Bagavathy Manimagalai
23. Malaysia : Mary Thomas Mathew
24. Mongolia: Bolormaa
25. Taiwan: Chen-Chu Lin/ Executive Committee member
26. * Moon-Sook Lee (Korea) , ACWC Executive Secretary, Ex./ Gen.-Officio Member
27. * Corazon Tabing-Reyes, ICFLC Executive Secretary, Ex./ Gen.-Officio Member
We the 59 delegates and 185 observers and guests from 26 countries, came together to deliberate on the theme of the Assembly “ Asian Women Moving Forward : Non –Violent World, New Earth, Life in its Fulleness”, 15-20 October, 2010 at Kinasih conference, Bogor, Indonesia.
We Acknowledge
• We rejoice in the Lord that Asian Women inspite of their various restricting circumstances are determined to move forward.
• We understand that ACWC is committed to bring fullness of life for women and all creation.
The Present Scenario
• Asian countries are burdened with poverty, illiteracy, unhygienic living conditions, the ugly prong of HIV & AIDS and aggressive consumption of natural resources affect women and children.
• Asian countries bear the result of environmental pollution, ecological imbalance.
• Family violence is inherent in the Asian socio-cultural tradition.
• Social evils like human trafficking and dowry system prevent women from enjoying the fullness of life, denying them basic human rights.
We dedicate ourselves
• As co-workers in God’s creation and with prayerful spirit, we shall take initiatives and moves to improve the value of women in church, society and family.
• God’s word is the source of our strength, so we shall urge member churches of ACWC to re-read the Bible from women’s perspective for its liberating power and way to fullness of life.
• We value the strength and future leadership of young women so ACWC & FLC should motivate, mentor and induct them as ambassadors.
• As we live in a pluralistic society we the church women should stand together side by side and hand in hand in love and peace.
• We will be good caretakers of God’s blessings, and fulfill God’s purposes of transforming women’s lives for a better world.
• ACWC has the prophetic vision to bring about change in the lives of people so that they may have a fullness of life that God promises.
Being Christian women of Asia, we pledge to carry out this prophetic tasks for the realization of a non-violent world, a new earth and life in its fullness.
標籤: 14 Assembly
Last week from News we knew that Pakistan was attacked by heavy rain and floods. Today, the ACWC Secretariat Office received Neelam’s updates. I share it with you and please pray for our sisters and brothers in Pakistan. Later the ACWC Officers will discuss how could we help Pakistan.
Dear Shu-Wen
After terrorism through which Pakistan's infrastructure is badly shaken besides the Country's bad image in the world. This is the second time it is facing a devastating natural disaster. Attached photos is just a glimps of some areas where Entire villages have been wiped off the face of the earth. Near Attock bridge where Indus and Kabul river join to enter into the narrow gorge the water had risen at least 40 feet .The residents are lying on the road sides some in tents and some otherwise , there is no water to drink as everything has a great layer of silt brought on by the flood waters. Private people were supplying food and water to the stricken people.
Re-building task that this country will have to bear probably The Government is least bothered politicians are after politics only.
Almost three provinces out of four are shaken badly & it is still going on. Unfortunately poor people living in villages have mud houses & they are now even deprived of those. People have no shelter no food to eat. Even in cities due to the reason that the food supplies, vegetables & Fruits/grains rice everything is coming from those areas the crops are all damaged so for common man providing food to family is becoming impossible .The rates of what is available is three times increased. The country is again in a state of disaster.
Almost 12 schools of the organization I am working with are under water. Children of all those schools are displaced .parents have migrated to other places. Altogether as per UNO 40,000 people lost everything.
In this time of need I request ACWC family to stand in faith with us. Kindly pray for those who are effected & for Peace in this part of the world.
Neelam Ernest
National Rep Pakistan
標籤: Our Concerns
The theme for the 14th Quadrennial General Assembly of Asian Church Women’s Conference (ACWC) is: Asian Women Moving Forward: Non-Violent World/ New Earth/ Life in its Fullness. The liturgy for the 2010 ACWC Day is being developed using the conference theme. The ACWC planning committee discussed how to focus the theme on the panel and the Bible study of the Assembly with the host--Indonesia. Following the theme of the Assembly, speakers of panel will cover two different religious perspectives to encourage Asian women. Therefore we invited two excellent female leaders from the host country--Indonesia, as our key note speakers. One will give the Christian’s viewpoint--Revd. Indriani Bone, and the other the Muslim’s perspective--Ms. Siti Musdah Mulia. Although the ACWC Assembly is for Christian Women, Indonesia is the biggest Muslim country of the world and this will be a good opportunity for us to listen to the different voices between us. For the Bible study, it is our privilege to have Revd. Lientje Pelu to host the two sessions.
I would like to take this opportunity to emphasize the program of the Young Women’s Forum (YWF) which will be held on 15 October--the date before the Assembly. ACWC requests that one of four voting delegates from each member country should be under 40 years of age. This regulation was created to provide the opportunity for more young women to join the ACWC. Therefore, the YWF is a platform for the younger generation’s gathering. Their discussion will be presented at the Assembly. It is important to maintain an intergenerational dimension in an ecumenical organization. The younger generation gives us future thinking and the older generation teaches us from their experience.
Another important grogram of the Assembly is group discussion. We will have 4 issues: 1) Natural Disaster in Asia, 2)Ecology and Women, 3)Family Violence & Gender Relations and 4) Human Trafficking. During the 14th Assembly, we will go through some official business: 1) discuss our future program and projects, 2) amend the ACWC Constitutions and By-Law, 3) welcome the new incoming ACWC Executive Secretary (2011-2014) and 4) elect the new General Committee and Executive Committee members (2011-2014). We are proud of that from the ACWC history we do not lobby for the election. Our Lord always arranges the right person and leadership for the ACWC.
Finally, please remember our host’s hard work and efforts in preparing for the Assembly. Remember them in your prayer.
標籤: 14 Assembly
In 2008, when the ACWC General Committee members met in Taiwan, we talked about the upcoming vacancy of the Executive Secretary (2011-2014). The ACWC President, Vice President/ Honour Treasurer and the Assembly Secretary were appointed to be the Search Committee members. The interview of the candidates was held on 01 Feb. 2010, in Jakarta, Indonesia. Later the ACWC Secretariat Office sent the decision of the Committee and the voting ballot to all General Committee members. The whole General Committee welcomes Revd. Lee, Moon Sook of Korea as our new Executive Secretary for the next four years (2011- 2014). Revd. Lee was the General Secretary, Korea Church Women United (ecumenical body of eight mainline Protestant denominations), 2001 –May 2009.
We know that the Korean Churches have always given generous support to ecumenical missions around the world. Since September 2002 Ms. Shu-Wen Chiang started her first term as the ACWC Ex. Sec., she has received the full support from the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT), the ACWC National Body in Taiwan—the Women’s Committee of the PCT and her own local church—the Taipei East Gate Presbyterian Church. Therefore the ACWC humbly expects that the Korean Church could also support the New Ex. Sec. from Korea as the Taiwan churches have done for Shu-Wen.
By helpful arrangements of Revd. Lee, Moon Sook on 17-19 May, 2010 Ms. Shu-Wen Chiang traveled to Korea as a representative of the ACWC to seek the support of Korean Churches: 1) Korea Church Women United (KCWU), 2) Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea (PROK), 3) National Church Women's Association of PROK (NCWA-PROK) and 4) National Council of Churches in Korea (NCCK) for our new Secretary.
The outcome of the visitation was fruitful. Shu-Wen met:
- Meeting with Rev. Kwon, O Sung, General Secretary of NCCK (right from left)

- Revd. Choe , Soyoung (the General Secretary of the KCWU)
- Revd. Bae, Tae-Jin (the General Secretary of PROK), and Revd. Yoo, Keun-Sook (the Gen. Sec. of the NCWA of PROK).
Basically the ACWC and the above four Korean Church Ecumenical Organizations have reached the following agreement: 1) the provision of rent free office space, utilities and partial use of facilities (e.g. copy machine, internet access) for ACWC during Revd. Lee, Moon Sook’s term, 2011-2014. and 2). ACWC will be responsible for the salary payments. The Koran Churches will also make a monthly financial contribution toward Revd. Lee, Moon Sooks living expense in Korea.
During the visit to Korea, Shu-Wen had the chance to attend the 2010 KCWU annual meeting and to send greetings on behalf of the ACWC on 19 May. During the greetings, Shu-Wen also presented our appreciations to Korean Churches that “It is ACWC’s great privilege to have such a high profiled minister like Revd. Lee, Moon Sook who will contribute to church women's ecumenical movement. The ACWC is expecting significant progress to be made in its all aspects while Rev. Lee exercises her leadership among Asian churches in cooperation with other world ecumenical bodies.”


There were two activities held by ACWC-Mongolia in January and March, 2010. At the Board Meeting in January 2010, the following six subcommittees were established:
1. Adolescent and Youth Development
2. Women Empowerment and Gender
3. Public Health
4. Business Development
5. Law and Governance
6. Christian Commitment and Christian Leadership
Within this subcommittees activity the first seminar of 2010 was held on 30 January, 2010. The seminar addressed gender and gender based violence issues in Mongolia. There were 30 participants from five churches. The seminar had two sessions. In the first session we had a guest speaker, Mrs. Altantsooj, who is a gender researcher and a graduate from Columbia University. She shared issues regarding gender and gender based violence in Mongolia. In the second session, Mrs. Munkhtuul, the National Representative of ACWC Mongolia, shared our Christian values and attitudes towards gender and gender equality. During this seminar we celebrated Enkhee’s receipt of an award from the President of Mongolia at the 20th anniversary of the formation of a democracy in that country.
- Small group discussion
- The seminar also celebrated Enkhee’s receipt of a medal from the President of Mongolia at the 20th anniversary of formation of a democracy in that country.


Dear Friends and Prayer Partners,
2009 was an extremely busy and challenging and blessed year for us. We should like to express our heartfelt thanks to all of you for your continuing prayers and support. We anticipate continued partnership during the coming days.
● Able to achieve the objective according to our annual plan.
● Successfully accomplished the different training programmes.
● Girls able to get job and start their new life.
● Able to support and give counseling at the Young Women’s Center
● Election of new board of directors.
● God’s protection to staff and other members during travel inside and outside the country.
● Continued volunteer service from members and friends.
● Continued literacy classes.
● Young Women Crisis Center able to provide the necessary counseling and other services according to the individual needs.
● Wisdom and guidance to the staff to carry on day to day activities.
● The girls who have started their life in community after their difficult time.
● The girls who are staying in the Young Women Crisis Center for their career and work and recovery from the illness.
● Women’s and girls who are attending literacy class.
● Successfully district level training.
● Needed resources for the center and ongoing program.
● Full religion freedom in new constitution.
● Political stabilities in the country.
● Board, advisors and all members of NMBS (YWCA of Nepal)
My dear ACWC Gen. Co. members:
After the Red Shirt in Thailand had had been protesting for weeks in Thailand, from News we know that more than 30 buildings were set ablaze; at least 50 people have been killed in clashes in the past several weeks and nearly 400 people injured.
We faithful pray to our Lord to keep people of Thai in His hands. Maybe it is quick to rebuild a city or a country, but the trust and understanding between people may take a long time. May our Lord mercy this land and people.
標籤: Our Concerns
Dear Friends
Greetings from Nepal.
Prayer is our greatest weapon and makes all things possible …
Thanks be to God and to you all for your prayer support. We have come to this stage of Federal Democratic Republic, secular state. I hope that you are aware of the recent political situation of Nepal. Unified CPN (Communist Party of Nepal) Maoist, the largest party in the constitution assembly and at present as an opposition party, is on indefinite nation wide strike from May 2nd to pressurize the current government for immediate resignation of PM Madav Kumar Nepal to make a conducive environment for the all party coalition government under the leadership of Maoist to draft new constitution and take the peace process to its logical end.
But the parties who are in the government and PM himself are not ready with what the agitating party has put forth. Thousands of Maoist cadres and supporters have come to Katmandu from different part of the country for the strike. The general publics have become the victim and peoples’ life has been paralyzed due to this situation. The foods and vegetables price have risen and country’s economy is at worst.
The dialogue for negotiations is going on between three major parties for several days but has not reached to consensus yet to bring an end to this situation all parties should leave their pride and compromise as soon as possible for the betterment of people. Please do pray for us and share this request with your friends.
Thank you and God bless.
With best regards,
Draupadi Rokaya
General Secretary
YWCA Family
標籤: Our Concerns
My dear ACWC Gen. Co. members:
Some of you already received the current ACWC Newsletter (January –March 2010). I hope that you could enjoy this issue.
The ACWC Secretariat Office would like to invite you to contribute your ideas for the coming Newsletter (April-June 2010). The topic is for the Mother’s Day.
My Wish before and after being a mother.
The favor could be something or habits. We know that most women’s life styles are different before and after marriage, especially having children. So let us create a special issue for our Newsletter. Please share the change of your favor before and after marriage/ having children. Some of us are single or have no child. You are welcome to share the stories about your mother, grandmothers or sisters’ stories with us.
The deadline will be 20 May. If you could send some photos to me with your articles, it will be perfect.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.
標籤: ACWC Today
For preparing the 14th ACWC Assembly in October 2010 in Indonesia, there were two preparatory meetings:
1) 10-13 December 2009, only the ACWC Executive Secretary flight to Indonesia.
2) 02-04 February 2010, meeting of the Executive Secretary and three ACWC Officers.
- It is the first time to meet the New CCI General Secretary, Revd. Gomar Gultom, (Since 20 December 2009) on 11 Dec. 2009. Gulton fully supports the Indonesian Church Women to host the ACWC Assembly; encourages the women to increase funding for the support of ACWC; appoint a staff member of the CCI Office as the contact person between the ACWC and the CCI Women.

- After first visiting the venue, Mrs.Delima hosted us a deliciously traditional Indonesian meal.
Mrs. Delima, the second from right.
- The ACWC Officers met the CCI President: Revd. Dr. A. P. Yewangoe, the GAS: Revd. Gomar Gultom and the Vice-GAS: Rev. Lies Makisanti.



- After the meeting, the CCI Women hosted us a great meal. We also appreciated the Mrs. Yangti. According to her schedule, she couldn’t attend the two meeting, but she still aided the meeting.


- During the meeting, the ACWC President, Nareeboon celebrated her 20th Anniversary alone in Jakarta.

- Donna and Shu-Wen met in Jakarta for preparing the ACWC 50th Anniversary History Book. Before the second preparation meeting in Jakarta, Donna and Shu-Wen had a 3-day meeting (29-31 Jan. 2010) for discussing the ACWC 50th Anniversary History Book.
- The ACWC Officers interviewed the candidates for the New ACWC Secretary position (2011-2014) in Jakarta on 01-02 Feb. 2010.
Church Women United of the Philippines(CWUP) had its 62nd Annual General Assembly and celebration of the 62nd Asian Church Women Conference (ACWC) Anniversary last November 28, 2009. The occasion was held at the Central United Methodist Church, 594 Kalaw Metro Manila.
The affair was attended by the different member churches and around ninety women join the celebration. Our Preacher during the Liturgy was Ms. Emma Cantor Orate, President, Board of Women’s Work, UMC, who spoke on the theme “From Generation to Generation”. Ms. Luz Marasigan gave her testimony on “Learning the Faith” and Ms. Jennifer F. Meneses on “Passing the Faith”.
Our Keynote Speaker for the assembly was Honorable Cynthia Aguilar Villar, Congresswoman of Las Pinas. She spoke about Women’s concerns and her different project to alleviate the life of women. She also mentioned about their Livelihood Program where deserving women are trained and given capital to start as small entrepreneurs.
- July 15, 2009 -- Disaster Awareness Lecture and Gift Giving in Tatalon, Quezon City. The Committee is chaired by Ms. Prima Fortalleza, President, Federation of Baptist Women.
- August 15, 2009 -- Seminar on Home and Family Life with Livelihood program, chaired by Ms. Guia del Rosario, President of Philippine Lutheran Women’s League.
- Month of September is unforgettable because of typhoon Ondoy that caused flood to nearby Metro Manila towns and cities. Then followed by typhoon Pepeng, Ramil and Santi. All these caused damages to North and South Central Luzon hence I tried to ask calamitous aid from ACWC, ICFLC and NCCP. Through God’s help ACWC gave $1,500 and ICFLC $2,000 and NCCP gave relief packages. Thanks to the assistance through Ms. Shu Wen Chiang and Ms. Cora Tabing Reyes. May God give more blessings.
by Columba C. Eclipse, Philippines / photo by Columba C. Eclipse
The Kampuchea Christian Council (KCC) Women Desk celebrated the 53rd Anniversary of ACWC Day with the theme “Re-Uniting of Women”. This celebration was held on November 21, 2009 at Pour Dos Church, Kampot Province with 50 women coming from different churches in Kampot Province.
Ms. Nou Kimsan, the second vice president of KCC, shared in the Bible scripture reading from Ephesians 4:3-7 to remind the women of unity. She added that we have to make peace in our family first and after that with other people but not allowing division because God wants us to preserve unity.
Ms. Prak Saravy, Women Secretary, addressed the participants about the history of ACWC and some other program which has been important to 19 member countries including Cambodia as one of the members, so we have received benefit from ACWC in the following ways:
1.Scholarships for three students (supported by ACWC)
2.Vocational Training (weaving and sewing supported by ACWC)
3.Literacy (supported by FLC)
4.Kindergarten (supported by PCT)
5.Administration (supported by ACWC & PCT)
6.Health Education which will be held every third week in 2010 (supported by ACWC)
During the entire day of the meetings, the participants were very excited to receive these reports, and they suggested having more activities from KCCWD to assist in developing members in their churches.
Thank you very much for the many projects that ACWC supports for us. May God bless you all and be successful in your mission.
Phnom Penh January 16, 2010
by Prak Saravy/Van Arun Rasmey, Cambodia

Malaysia held the ACWC service on 7 November 2009 at the Syrian Orthodox Church, Kuala Lumpur. They used rice (in many colours) as a symbol to represent the different ethnic groups of their country with the acronym (Remaining In Christ Everyday). The following testimony was presented for the theme "From Generation to Generation".
The Testimony
Lianawati is an Indonesian who worked in Malaysia since 1996 and this is her story.
Lianawati’s paternal grandparents migrated from China and they practiced Taoism. In 1965, there was a law passed in Indonesia that everyone must have a religion. Taoism was not acknowledged as a religion. So her grandparents joined the Catholic Church. Later her father married a local, but according to Islamic rites. Her grandmother and her aunties from her father’s side all went to church. Lianawati’s mother did not practice her religion. There were many protests from her mother’s family. Lianawati’s family stayed with her paternal grandparents. Like her grandfather, her father had more than one wife, and Lianawati’s mother was the second wife. Later her family separated from the main family but her grandmother went to stay with her family.
Lianawati’s exposure and encounter with God was through her grandmother. She observed her grandmother get up early every morning to sing hymns, read the Bible and pray. Lianawati attended a Christian school. Lianwati and her siblings also attended Sunday school but with much reluctance. She said she used to hide so that she need not go to Sunday school. Gradually her grandmother’s character and personality began to have a great impact and influence on her. Lianawati became very close to her. Her grandmother was a business woman. She remembers her grandmother as a gentle, soft spoken, loving woman and very devoted to God. She gave unconditional and sacrificial love not asking anything in return. She taught Lianawati moral values.
Lianawati was a Sunday school teacher when she was in High School. After high school, she wanted to further her studies but because of financial constrain she could not pursue her studies. It was then that she decided that she will work and save the money for her studies. She came to Malaysia in 1996 to work. She was working in a factory in Ipoh. She experienced cultural shock when she arrived, the spoken Malay language was different from Indonesian. She stayed in a Christian hostel and joined the cell group and attended Church. It was while she was in Ipoh that she had a special encounter with the Holy Spirit and decided to dedicate her life to Christ.
After her contract ended Lianawati went back home and later came to work in Johor. In 2000 she had a calling from God to do ministry work. She returned home and wanted to enroll into the Bible school in Jakarta but it did not take place. In 2004 she returned to Ipoh to work but in 2006 she was called for mission training in Batang. She was subsequently asked to do ministry work among the Indonesian migrants in Kuala Trengganu and Klang. She was pastoring in a church in Sg.Way in 2007 when her mother came to stay with her. Her mother stayed with her for one month and Lianawati witnessed to her mother.
After a few months of her mother’s return to Indonesia one day she called Lianawati and told her that she has accepted Jesus Christ as her saviour and requested to be baptized. Lianawati also has witnessed to her brother-in-law and sister-in-law who have also accepted Christ.
Lianawati joined the Malaysia Bible Seminary in Klang and is currently pursuing her theological studies. She still travels to Kuala Trengganu on the weekends and is active in the Klang area.
by Shakuntala Abraham, Malaysia
My dear ACWC sisters:
Here is a good new about the scholarship application.
Our Australia member: Australia Church Women Inc. opens the 2011 Winifred Kiek Scholarship application to the Asian countries. The details and form are ate\ached with this mail. Please distribute the information to your people and encourage them to apply it. Please be aware that the deadline will be 31 May 2010.
May thanks to our Australian sisters and praise to our Lord.
標籤: ACWC Today
Circle of Prayer is a meditation booklet published every two years by the International Committee for the Fellowship of the Least Coin (ICFLC) to “reaffirm prayer as the vital element of the FLC.” It was started in 1962 as a meditation guide by the women of Hong Kong for use as prayer is offered and the least coin is set aside. Since then Circle of Prayer has been an important part of FLC focused on different themes approved by the ICFLC.
The Circle of Prayer Vol. XX’s suggested theme is drawn from the theme of the 29th ICFLC Annual Meeting held at Nairobi on October 17-25, 2009, which was “Jesus Amongst Us: pray and act for change.” Jesus with us empowers us and enables us to pray and act for justice, peace and reconciliation.
a. Suggested theme of the Circle of Prayer Vol. XX is: “Pray and Act for Change”
b. Introduction to the theme to be written by Rev. Dr. ‘Asinate Samate
c. Suggested Texts:
O.T. 1 Samuel 25:4-44 & Numbers 27: 1-7
N.T. John 20: 1-23 & John 4: 7-26
d. Suggested Guidelines:
1. The typewritten meditation is around 300-400 words.
2. Deadline for sending the meditation to ICFLC office icflcph@gmail.com> is May 30, 2010.
3. Please send by email a scanned copy of the writer’s ID picture, 2-3 sentences about the writer, her email and postal addresses along with the article.
4. That the meditation material shares women’s story/experience, biblical reflection and prayer from the respective country/region.
5. Each ICFLC member may facilitate at least 2-4 contributions coming from different countries of her region.
6. Suggested Format:
Biblical Text
PS: Elisabeth Delmonte of Uruguay wrote saying, “As I listen to the universal concerns about the climate change, I would suggest that the prayers and meditations should center on our environmental responsibility.”
標籤: ACWC Today

of Asian Church Women’s Conference, ACWC
Asian Women Moving Forward:
Non-Violent World/ New Earth/ Life in its Fullness
15-20 October, 2010,
Date and Venue:
Date of arrival: 15 Oct. 2010
Date of departure: 20 Oct. 2010
The dates of ACWC Executive Committee, ACWC General Committee, Young Women’s Forum and the ICFLC meetings as follow:
Meeting / Meeting Date / Arrival/ Departure / Venue
ACWC Ex. Co. Meeting / 11-13 Oct. / Arrival:11 Oct. / Venue I: Pondok Remaja PGI
ACWC Gen. Co. Meeting / 13-14 Oct./ Arrival:13 Oct. / Venue II:Kinasih Conference, Outbound & Resort
Young Women’s Forum / 15 Oct. / Arrival: 14 Oct. / Venue II:Kinasih Conference, Outbound & Resort
ACWC/ICFLC has their own Officers’Meeting / 15 Oct. / ICFLC Officers arrival: 14 Oct. / Venue II:Kinasih Conference, Outbound & Resort
ACWC Assembly / 15-20 Oct. / Arrival: 15 Oct. Church Visitation:17 Oct. Departure: 20 Oct. / Venue II: Kinasih Conference, Outbound & Resort
ICFLC Meeting / 20-22 Oct. / Community: 23 Oct. integration, Departure: 24 Oct. / Venue I: Pondok Remaja PGI
Venue I: Pondok Remaja PGI
Address: Jln. Raya Puncak Km. 78 Cipayung Bogor
Tel: 62 - 251 8255124
Email: pondokremaja_pgi@yahoo.co.id
Website: www.pondokremajapgi.multiply.com
Venue II: Kinasih Conference, Outbound & Resort
Address: Jl. Raya Sukabumi Km. 17, Caringin – Bogor 16730
Tel.: 61-251-8222111, Direct: 61-251-8220608
Fax: 61-251-8220813
Website: http://www.thekinasihresort.com
Host Organization: Communion of Churches in Indonesia (CCI)
Host Contact Person:
Name: Mr. Toesmoyo
Address: Communion of Churches in Indonesia
Jl. Salemba Raya No. 10, Jakarta 10340 - INDONESIA
Tel: +62.21.315.0451; 315.0455; 390.8120
Fax : +62.21.315.0457
Mobile: 081219554563
Email: pgi@bit.net.id or pgi_jakarta@hotmail.com or acwc_toesmoyo@yahoo.com
Please cc to Rev. Rosmalia Barus
Name: Rev. Rosmalia Barus (The ACWC Indonesia National Representative)
Email: rosmalia_barus@yahoo.com
ACWC Secretariat Office
Name: Shu-Wen Chiang,
Address: 3, Lane 269, Roosevelt Road, Sec. 3, Taipei, 106 TAIWAN
Tel: 886-2-2366-0775
Fax: 886-2-2369-9274
Email: acwc@seed.net.tw
Website: http://acwc.blogspot.com
標籤: 14 Assembly