Since the Church Conference of Asia, CCA and the ACWC cooperated for the “Women’s Ecumenical Accompaniment for Vision and Empowerment WEAVE” in 2005 for Cambodia, it is a good model for two Ecumenical Organizations to work together on any Women’s issue. In 2007, the CCA invited the ACWC again to promote WEAVE in East Timor. Then, Ms. Corazon Tabing-Reyes, Joint Executive Secretary, EGY/ Ms. Chiang Shu-Wen, Executive Secretary, ACWC/ Ms. Nina Nayoan, WSCF-AP- FIM intern at Timor Leste where the team to visit East Timor on April 13-19, 2007 (For Details see the ACWC April-June 2007 Newsletter).
When the CCA had the Round Table Meeting with Global Partners on 10 July 2009, Ms. Moumita Biswas raised the East Timor issue at the meeting. The partners from U.S.A and Canada also shared that they supported it and are keen in regarding help to the CCA review process of the accompanying Program.
Therefore there is a revaluation team to visit East Timor from 11 August 2009.
The CCA- EGY requests the solidarity of ACWC again in this process – so that in future we can work in partnership to support women and youth leadership development in East Timor. Ms. Moumita Biswas requests one of ACWC member to join them in this Endeavour.
After the discussion between the ACWC Officers, we decided that Captain Donna Bryan (Australia) be the ACWC Representative for the visitation.
In the beginning when the CCA asked the ACWC to work together with the CCA to develop the Church Women’s mission in East Timor, the former ACWC Ex. Co. already thought to ask the Australia Church Women to aid this plan. So the ACWC participants of the first visitation were Ms. Pat Walker (Australia) and Ms. Shu-Wen Chiang. But because of the chaos in East Timor in 2005, the visitation was canceled then. By the way, the relationship between Australia and East Timor is very close. If we can have an Ex. Co. member from Australia to be the team member, it will be helpful for a future plan.
The date and schedule for East Timor was decided in a rush. The ACWC appreciates it that Donna responded to our request promptly. Now she is busy preparing for the East Timor meeting. Please pray for her future journey.