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We the 59 delegates and 185 observers and guests from 26 countries, came together to deliberate on the theme of the Assembly “ Asian Women Moving Forward : Non –Violent World, New Earth, Life in its Fulleness”, 15-20 October, 2010 at Kinasih conference, Bogor, Indonesia.

We Acknowledge

• We rejoice in the Lord that Asian Women inspite of their various restricting circumstances are determined to move forward.

• We understand that ACWC is committed to bring fullness of life for women and all creation.

The Present Scenario

• Asian countries are burdened with poverty, illiteracy, unhygienic living conditions, the ugly prong of HIV & AIDS and aggressive consumption of natural resources affect women and children.

• Asian countries bear the result of environmental pollution, ecological imbalance.

• Family violence is inherent in the Asian socio-cultural tradition.

• Social evils like human trafficking and dowry system prevent women from enjoying the fullness of life, denying them basic human rights.

We dedicate ourselves

• As co-workers in God’s creation and with prayerful spirit, we shall take initiatives and moves to improve the value of women in church, society and family.

• God’s word is the source of our strength, so we shall urge member churches of ACWC to re-read the Bible from women’s perspective for its liberating power and way to fullness of life.

• We value the strength and future leadership of young women so ACWC & FLC should motivate, mentor and induct them as ambassadors.

• As we live in a pluralistic society we the church women should stand together side by side and hand in hand in love and peace.

• We will be good caretakers of God’s blessings, and fulfill God’s purposes of transforming women’s lives for a better world.

• ACWC has the prophetic vision to bring about change in the lives of people so that they may have a fullness of life that God promises.

Being Christian women of Asia, we pledge to carry out this prophetic tasks for the realization of a non-violent world, a new earth and life in its fullness.


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